Friday, June 29, 2012

Insta-Chart :)

Dear diary.. :p
belakangan aku udah kayak anak 10 tahun yang lagi gilak-gilaknya sama PSP-nya..
Bedanya..aku gilak akan Miss Winnie ku.. ;) 

  • Wake up in the morning..check my social network accounts.
  • Then plug in the speaker to Winnie.
  • Then search for new apps or games from Market.
  • Then wait...while playing games ;) 
  • Then listen to the music again.
    #Repeat from the first again until I fall asleep ;) 

Ouh yeah...I have Instagram now.
Pretty much like it,the editing effects :) 
Here are photos from my Instagram account #gladysglados

Went to see Snow white and the Huntsman :p

The movie was like "WHAT THE FUN WAS THAT?!" :P

going to get infos about my next-year-intensive-course :)

View from the ANGKOTZ :)


Beli buku cetak bareng these ladies :)

#untung Miss Winnie gak jatuh waktu self-timernya jalan ;p

Kelaparan..makan di Titi Gantng :)

Kehujanan..neduh di Mc Donald ;) #my acnes are popping out!! :0 #ohMAN!!

FIGHT for THESE dys!! :)

I'd like to give review about music.
Keknya otakku sedikit terganggu sejak Vampire Diaries, laguku yang biasanya up-beat,loud,cheerful..tiba-tiba jadi mellow,meaningful,touching -__-" are the songs I've been listening to this lately :
- Katy Perry-Thinking of you  (mellow)
- The Fray - Never say Never (agak galau)
- Jason Walker - Down (sangat galau)
- Kris Allen - I need to know (aku suka banget!!)
- One Republic - Say all I need (I like the beat)
- Maroon 5 - One more night (yang ini yang paling beda..and yang satu-satunya bukan dari Vampire Diaries ;) )

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Small Distraction :)

I know I seldom talk about my cell phones.
It's more because I wasn't really given (by my parents) high-tech cells..
But I was perfectly fine with it.
Now that I already bought myself (with money given from Mom) a really nice,decent,smart cell.
I call her (it's a she ) Winnie the Pooh although in that cartoon Winnie is a he :p 

Mesan ChocolateTop ;)

www, :)

Samsung S III

Everything has its price,right?
First pic taken by the cell-cam :)

Kak Abeth nemenin aku beli Winnie.
And stupid things occured..

aku : "ga bisa 90 aja nih?" #nawar silikon case hp 
kakak 1 : "kak .. (dia nyebut nama tapi aku ga ingat -_-") bisa nih 100?"
aku : #dalam ati 'yeh..aku minta 90..dia nanya 100..pelit banget!' 
kakak 2 : "bisa.." #lanjut ngelayanin pelanggan yang lain
kakak3  : #ngomong ke kakak 1 "orang ini minta 90, kau kok nanya 100?!"
kakak1 : "kak ... 90 kan?"
kakak 2 : "100 tadi kau bilang...apanyah?"
kakak 1 : #ga mau kalah "90 tadi kubilang.."
aku n' K'Abeth : #pura-pura polos :p
aku : "nih Kak.." #ngasih duit seratus
kakak 2 :  #merepet ke kakak1 "kau lah yah..makanya dengar yang benar!!"
kakak 1 : #ngasih aku kembaliaan 10rb 

#keluar dari toko accessories HP 
K'Abeth : "bodo lah situ..bertengkar-bertengkarlah kau situ..penting dapat barangnya.."
aku : #gaya antagonis "hahaha"  

Ouh yeah..lesson from that day
"If you go to a Burger Shop, then don't expect a  DELICIOUS RICE serving"
Makan siang si Gaboh, aku mesan Nasi Ayam Rosmarry..and tasted like any other chicken meat serving with pure rice -__-"  #GA ENAK

Strawberry milkshake :*

Cantik lagi deh:)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

1 for ALL

Hey guys.. :)
As I promised, recap from the last semester raport results :p

Came to school, chatted with Jen-Jen,Grace,Try, and Yose :)
Then we lined up to hear some announcements about holiday and when to buy books from the head master
#tenang..aku ga ditokok lagi kok tahun ini ;p

I'm the second rank :)
Irwanto's the first..this boy deserves it..

Some pics with my classmates and it was Joshua ( a.k.a JABOT) and Victor's (a.k.a TEMON) birthday.. :)

Anik,Olga,Amoy,Dea and I went to Micro for it was only 9 in the morning, so Thamrin hadn't opened yet :p
Then,around 12 went to Thamrin for superrr late breakfast..Aku sampek oyong karna ga makan nasi dari kemaren siangnya :p
#i's my bad -_-

Yeah..barisan kami lebih parah dari anak TK baris -_-"


Ajo baik banget mau megangin botolku :*

Ajo ma Boksu emang selalu sehati dan seEKSPRESI #tanda sesuatu ;)

Yenny-Andrian-Putri-Me :)

Dua orang yang nambah Rivanna(kiri) and Vera(kanan)

Wali kelasku yang superr sibuk -_-"

Gimana bisa aku mainin peran istri laki-laki seperti ini?! -_-" #khilap :p

Yey!!Putri juara 10 :)

Akhirnya fotonya lumayan :p

Tenang..di skolahku ga boleh bawa HP..mereka ga lagi liat VIDEO 3 MENITAN kok ;)

manusia-manusia blakang :)



Hanna terlambat datang -__-"

Keeping UP wiyh THE SIENCE 1 ;)

Gaya ga wajar.. :p

My bestie came :)

3-2-2 :p

Gerombolon yang di tengah..all my friends :)

Ga usah sok KEREN Bot!! :p

Muka MESUM Irwanto (paling kiri)

Diapit oleh Temon and Jabot :)

Ajo and The Ladies :P

Cherry Bollo ;)

Ntah lah.. :p

Muka Olga,, :D

Amoy #ngaca : "ishh..kok gini mukaku?!"

LIft Mikroskill :)


Ga da tempat yang lebih bagus daripada TOILET :P

Niatnya mau niru gaya anak zaman..SENYUM STROKE KANAN-STROKE KIRI :P